Adherence to Records Management standards critical, said Ponoesele

Botswana: The Human Resources & Admin Manager, Constance Ponoesele, has called Ministry's record managers to exchange ideas and adhere to stipulated standards to ensure an improved proper records management.

Adherence to Records Management standards critical, said Ponoesele
Adherence to Records Management standards critical, said Ponoesele Image Credit: Facebook

Botswana: The Human Resources & Admin Manager, Constance Ponoesele, has called Ministry’s record managers to exchange ideas and adhere to stipulated standards to ensure an improved proper records management.

Constance Ponoesele was officiating at a three day Annual Records Management forum organized by the Ministry for records managers to reflect and discuss burning records management issues. “This forum accords you managers the opportunity to share professional notes with a view to improving the management of land records for improved service delivery.”


The manager urged them to adhere to proper records management standards, which is a critical factor in the land delivery processes. She echoed the president’s call for a mindset change and called on managers to embrace it and find innovative ways of filing records digitally to curb issues of lost or misplaced manual records.

Various presentations were made to sensitize participants on the essence of record keeping with a view to improving service delivery. Among them is the Botswana National Archives and Records Services (BNARS), which deals with the management of Govt records. They called for adherence to the standards they developed and urged records officers always to seek professional advice and guidance from their offices.

The ministry Attorney, Andria German, reiterated the importance of records keeping and management and shed light on the legal statutes that can be relied upon when dealing with records management. He advised them to jealously guard their noble profession and seek ways to prevent information leaks that are so rampant.

Ponoesele was pleased to share with records officers some of the Ministry’s 2023/24 initiatives, such as the review of the File Classification scheme, which BNARS approved in October for implementation, among others. She made it clear for officers to come up with actionable plans to be implemented for the delivery of proper records management.