Deadly storm ravages Free State: boy lost, extensive damage in Bloemfontein

Free State: The Free State Province encountered unprecedented and remarkable levels of precipitation, accompanied by severe thunderstorms and hail, resulting in the loss of the life of a Seven Year Old Boy in Bloemfontein and extensive damages to households, infrastructure, crops and vegetation, specifically within the Mangaung Metro Municipality, Thabo Mofutsanyana and Xhariep Districts on 06 December 2023.

Deadly storm ravages Free State: boy lost, extensive damage in Bloemfontein
Deadly storm ravages Free State: boy lost, extensive damage in Bloemfontein Image Credit: Facebook

Free State: The Free State Province encountered unprecedented and remarkable levels of precipitation, accompanied by severe thunderstorms and hail, resulting in the loss of the life of a Seven Year Old Boy in Bloemfontein and extensive damages to households, infrastructure, crops and vegetation, specifically within the Mangaung Metro Municipality, Thabo Mofutsanyana and Xhariep Districts on 06 December 2023.

At the instruction of the Premier of the Free State, Mxolisi Dukwana, the Free State Provincial Government (FSPG) immediately activated strategic, proactive measures in the form of the Provincial Joint Operations Centre (Provincial JOC), working in conjunction with District Joint Operations Centres (District JOCs).


The first meetings took place on 07 December 2023 at OR Tambo House to proactively outline the provincial collaborative response, ensuring an effective and coordinated approach in the face of an emergency to avert any imminent disaster.

To this end, the FSPG can report the following:


Street and Road Flooding: Many streets and roads experienced flooding due to obstructed storm-water drainage systems, resulting in hazardous driving conditions and traffic congestion.

Residential Flooding: Various households were inundated, and backyards became waterlogged.

Tree (Vegetation) Damage: Strong winds led to the uprooting and falling of trees, with some obstructing roads and streets, causing traffic disruptions.


Building damage Mangaung: The roof of a building in Mangaung CBD was blown off.*

Lightning Strikes on Electrical Substations: Lightning struck seven (7) electrical power supply substations (feeders), resulting in the loss of power supply to various areas.

Structural Damage to Houses: The roofs of sixteen (16) houses (reported) in Bloemfontein were blown off, causing damage to the electrical supply infrastructure in the affected areas. In Dewetsdorp, the destruction of crops was reported, and 24 houses (reported) were damaged.

Fatalities and Injuries Reported:

Regrettably, a 7-year-old boy lost his life in Phase 6 after being struck by debris.

The Free State Department of Health has confirmed that 3 patients were admitted at the Trauma Unit of Pelonomi Tertiary Hospital:

*A 55 year-old female from Phase 6 was admitted with back injury. The patient is stable and receiving the attention of Orthopaedics staff;

*A 10-months old baby was briefly admitted with soft tissue injury and was discharged this morning:

*A 7 year-old male was briefly admitted today with wound on the leg and was later discharged this morning.


The roofs of two houses in Madikgetla were blown off, while the electrical supply infrastructure in the area was affected.


Two hundred and fifty (250) residential houses in Bohlokong, Bethlehem, suffered significant damage due to the windstorm, while 50 residential shacks were adversely affected as well as the infrastructure of two stadiums, which incurred substantial harm, with roofing blown out, fences collapsing, and running tracks damaged. Preliminary reports also indicate that a church and a school have both sustained damage due to the adverse weather conditions.

Fortunately, there have not been any incidents reported in the Fezile Dabi and Lejweleputswa Districts.


The FSPG has, through the Provincial Department of Social Development, actively provided critical humanitarian relief and psycho-social support to those affected, recognizing the immediate and long-term impact on the affected communities, working closely with the Red Cross Society – a humanitarian movement founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering.

The Provincial Department of Human Settlements is working towards emergency housing relief, addressing the pressing need for shelter in the aftermath of the incidents. Furthermore, the provincial department was swift to engage the National Department of Human Settlements, which, as of Friday, 08 December 2023, will deploy a team of competent officials to assist the province, working with the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC).

The FSPG can furthermore affirm that the South African Police Service (SAPS) has heightened its visibility in the affected areas, contributing to public safety and security during these challenging times, whilst ESKOM and CENTLEC have actively been involved in the restoration of electricity, recognizing the critical role of power supply in the recovery process and community well-being.

Other Provincial and Sector Departments are currently preoccupied with the thorough assessment of magnitude and severity in order to understand the extent of the impact and plan an adequate response.

The FSPG thus calls upon Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as well as social sector partners to work with the government in playing a vital role in humanitarian intervention, extending support to those affected by providing essential services and assistance to alleviate the impact of adverse weather conditions.

The Premier conveyed his condolences to the family of the 7-year-old who was fatally injured by the debris owing to the storm and moreover expressed his gratitude to government officials and social sector partners working towards assisting those affected by the storms.

“Government would like to thank all our volunteers, community members, Stakeholders, Different Departments and NPO’s for their continued assistance”, said the Premier. “We wish to reassure the people of the Free State that government will work towards addressing the plight of those affected.”