KwaZulu Natal: Tri-National Maritime Exercise held off coast of Richards Bay

South Africa, KwaZulu Natal: Tri National Maritime Exercise (Exercise MOSI II 2023), which is a joint Multinational Maritime Exercise between the South Africa Navy (SAN), Russian Federation Navy (RFN) and The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) held off the coast of Richards Bay in KwaZulu- Natal was officially opened on the 22 February 2023.

KwaZulu Natal: Tri-National Maritime Exercise held off coast of Richards Bay
KwaZulu Natal: Tri-National Maritime Exercise held off coast of Richards Bay Image credit: SA Force Facebook Page

South Africa, KwaZulu Natal: Tri-National Maritime Exercise (Exercise MOSI II 2023), which is a joint Multinational Maritime Exercise between the South Africa Navy (SAN), Russian Federation Navy (RFN) and The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) held off the coast of Richards Bay in KwaZulu- Natal was officially opened on the 22 February 2023.

The exercises then and now aim to improve interoperability by means of coordination, cooperation and capacity-building capabilities between the participating naval forces. Chief of Joint Staff, Rear Admiral B.K. Mhlana and the two Admirals from Russia’s Federal Navy and The People’s Liberation Army Navy officiated the opening ceremony, with Rear Admiral B.K. Mhlana is declaring Exercise MOSI II 2023 Open.

After the opening ceremony, a Media Briefing was held on board SAS MENDI. Chief Joint Operations, Lieutenant General S.L. Sangweni, officiated the media briefing. The panel for the media briefing consisted of the Chief of Joint Operations, the Chief of Staff Joint Operations Division, and Rear Admiral B.K. Mhlana, General Officer Commanding Joint Operational Headquarters, Major General S.G. Hlongwa, Captain (Navy) O. Gladkiy Russia Federal Navy, Ship Detachment Commander, Senior Captain (Navy) Sun Honglin, Commander of ETG 123. Flag Officer Fleet and Rear Admiral M. Nkomonde welcomed members of the media and introduced the panel.



Admiral Mhlana opened the briefing with the Joint Media Statement and highlighted the Strategic Objectives for Exercise MOSI II 2023, which are inclusive of:

• Enhancing and developing relations between The People’s Liberation Army Navy, Russia Federal Nave and SA Navy and expanding the friendly cooperation between the tri-nations,
• Training of a Multinational Military Exercise to counter maritime security threats jointly.
• Demonstrate the will to jointly maintain regional maritime peace and stability.
• The floor was then opened for questions and answers between the media and the panel.

SA National Defence force gave this news through their official twitter account in which they posted some pictures with a caption which states, “Tri-National Maritime Exercise (Exercise MOSI II 2023) held off the coast of Richards Bay.”