Makalanguzu Market traders ask govt to provide shelter

Some traders at Choma`s famous Makalanguzu Market have bemoaned lack of a shelter in the region which causes them to face issues

Makalanguzu Market traders ask govt to provide shelter, Image: facebook
Makalanguzu Market traders ask govt to provide shelter, Image: facebook

Zambia: Some traders at Choma`s famous Makalanguzu Market have bemoaned the lack of shelter in the region, which causes them to face issues while conducting their businesses. The businesses of the region have reached out to the government of the country seeking assistance and support.

Maggie Mweetwa, one of the traders in Makalanguzu Market, talked about the problems. She shared that during the rainy season, business is slow because customers avoid purchasing goods from the market.

The rains also reduce the shelf life of many items that the traders sell at the market. Further, people of the Choma District also find it inconvenient to buy during active rains

Mweetwa further explained that in desperate need, traders clad their makeshift stands with plastic to prevent the rains. However, this precaution was not enough to protect the products from being ruined.

She further disclosed that even during the hot season the challenge is the same as traders have to endure the scorching sun. The lack of proper shelter is affecting the livelihoods and businesses of the people in the market.

Krodia Mudenda, another Trader, also talked about the same challenges. At this time, she called on relevant authorities to quickly build a market shelter. She asserted that the market is not conducive to trade due to a lack of adequate shelter.

Choma Mayor Javen Simoloka had, however, hinted on the media that the Local Authority is in talks with the Zambia Railways on leasing part of the Company’s land for a trading shelter. The creation of the shelter for the market facility will help the traders conduct their businesses in a more efficient manner.

The traders and people living in the vicinity of the market have expressed their delight in the Mayor’s efforts to support them. The government is acknowledging the problems that small-scale traders face in the absence of shelter.

Some images on social media show parts of the market, with people doing business in heat, rain, or cold weather.