Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire assesses rehabilitation work on Ciceron Playing Field

Saint Lucia: The Deputy Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Dr Ernest Hilaire, shared an update on his official Facebook account about the construction of the rehabilitation work on the Ciceron Playing Field and said it is well underway.

Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire assesses rehabilitation work on Ciceron Playing Field
Saint Lucia: Ernest Hilaire assesses rehabilitation work on Ciceron Playing Field Image credit: Facebook

Saint Lucia: The Deputy Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, Dr Ernest Hilaire, shared an update on his official Facebook account about the construction of the rehabilitation work on the Ciceron Playing Field and said it is well underway.

He also said, “Over the weekend, the grass was planted on the surface, and WASCO is in the process of establishing a water connection to the field for irrigation and all the supporting services.”

The upgrades to the field will provide the community with a facility for sports, youth engagement and community development. This is one of the many projects that are underway, and I look forward to the completion of it, said Deputy Minister Ernest Hilaire in his Facebook post.

Every month, the Deputy PM’s routine is to visit the rehabilitation facility to analyse the work and progress being made. On January 26, 2023, he inspected a few ongoing initiatives in his constituency, including the refurbishment of the Ciceron Playing Field and the construction of stairs and footpaths in La Croix. He also toured some locations that he plans to improve in the upcoming weeks, which would enhance the quality of life for the residents in the area.

The works on the Ciceron Playing Field include levelling the playing surface, lighting installation, an outdoor gym, and a changing facility. “Looking forward to having an up-to-date facility in Ciceron,” stated Ernest Hilaire.

During his last visit in January, he seemed overwhelmed and stated that “this gives him a chance to meet with the person who elected him to represent them.”

Deputy Minister Hilaire also highlighted that when he makes any decision, he always thinks about the public first and their best interest and about their benefits.

Many other facilities on the island for Saint Lucian are under process as they are being rehabilitated into better forms to take the country to another level of development, and the Government of Saint Lucia is looking at the facilities that are being developed in his constituency.