South Africa: President Cyril Ramaphosa mourns demise of Queen Elizabeth II

Capetown, South Africa: On the demise of Queen Elizabeth II, President of the Africa National Congress-Cyril Ramaphosa, took to Twitter and extended deep condolences to the Royal Family and people of the United Kingdom.

Capetown, South Africa: On the demise of Queen Elizabeth II, President of the Africa National Congress-Cyril Ramaphosa, took to Twitter and extended deep condolences to the Royal Family and people of the United Kingdom.

He mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth II and stated that with her death, the era of 70 years ended. President Ramaphosa also outlined his meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. They met at the last Commonwealth meeting held in London in 2018. In the meeting, they looked the several letters sent by former President Nelson Mandela to Queen.

President noted, “I met Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II during the last Commonwealth meeting, which was held in London in 2018, where we spent a piece of time looking at letters that former President Nelson Mandela had sent to the Queen, and we reminisced about the great stateman that Her Majesty so respected.”

He remarked that Queen was an incredible leader who served the United Kingdom for 70 years and remained one of the longest-serving monarchs. President lauded the Queen’s commitment and level of compassion during her time on the throne and stated that she emerged as one of the noble examples to the world.

President asserted that she was the only Britain monarch who always made people feel a sort of personal connection. He stressed that the legacy which Queen leaves behind will always be remembered while adding, “Her Majesty was an extraordinary and world-renowned public figure who lived a remarkable life. Her life & legacy will be fondly remembered by many around the world. The Queen’s commitment & dedication during her 70 years on the throne remains a noble & virtuous example to the world.”

So, on behalf of the government and people of South Africa, he wishes to express her profound and sincere condolences to His Majesty, King Charles III, on the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Queen Elizabeth II took her last breath on Tuesday afternoon at Balmoral. Condolences have been poured in all across the world over the demise of Elizabeth. Now Prince Charles and His wife Camila will be served next King and Queen of the United Kingdom.