Keep Walking – A Poem by Kevin Isaac
Sometimes, the heavens bellows and cries out in silence. But not all tears foretell sorrow. Some presage happiness, hopeful joy.
Dream Dreams – A poetry by Kevin Isaac
Dream big. Dreams are silent windows to your soul. They reveal subtle, unconscious thoughts. They can fuel ambitions or power your heart.
Don’t leave the lights on for me: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Don’t leave the lights on for me. I will make my own way. Along this seemingly deserted path.
Slowing down: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
I am finally trying to slow down to take in life slowly and enjoy it completely; to take my time to listen to the dance of life as it races…
Beautiful Day: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
If the soft duvet of your touch covers and comforts me throughout the night, tomorrow, too, will be a beautiful day.
House of Prayers: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
An open secret, half-hidden in time. Tucked away securely in plain sight. This sanctuary – sanguine and serene – invites passers-by to stop, unwind, and gaze at life. A quiet…
Abiding Prayers: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
We came here to pray, eyes clasped, hands closed; squeezed together between narrow chapel pews. They inspire us to dream. We are the ones longing for miracles, hoping to break…
Voices: a poetry by Kevin Isaac
A spectral figure – a man apart. His weary dreams, nourished with tears, hang by a thread, as his faith grows disillusioned with disappointment. In spare time, he walks alone,…