Tag: Kevin Isaac

HomeTagsKevin Isaac

Becoming a poet: A poetry by Kevin Isaac

I wish I were a poet, with superpowers to persuade moods, cajole words and bend them to my will. I would massage and juxtapose them

Hindsight – A Poetry by Kevin Isaac

Hindsight pretends to have perfect vision, but don't be fooled. It can only recognise the past. It professes to have knowledge and sound judgement, but it lacks foresight.

The Climb: A poetry by Kevin Isaac

I waited...to relax in the shadow of your smile, but we were never there.At the bottom of the hill, commingling with time,

Broken: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac

He holds his fears close to his chest like treasures, almost. And prays. He believes if he pretends long enough, time will eventually devour them.

Dream Dreams – A poetry by Kevin Isaac

Dream big. Dreams are silent windows to your soul. They reveal subtle, unconscious thoughts. They can fuel ambitions or power your heart.