Tag: roads


Road accidents spike during Easter Holidays: Rae Hamoonga

Road accidents have claimed thirty two lives during the three day period of the easter holidays claimed Rae Hamoonga.

Mulambo Haimbe announces road construction in lusaka central market

The constriction of road infrastructure is starting in the Lusaka Central. The Member of Parliament of the region made the announcement

Zambia: Itapa Ward Councillor killed in a road crash

The Itapa Ward Councillor in Chinsali District, Lawrence Chanda has died in a fatal road accident after his motorcycle collided with a truck

South Africa: KwaXimba Residents to finally receive access to safe drinking water

South Africa: The residents of KwaXimba under the eThekwini Municipality will finally receive relief from their water woes and have access to potable water closer to their homes and business establishments.