Botswana Farmers receives Broiler Chicks support from President Masisi

Botswana: Yesterday morning, the president of Botswana, Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi, provided support to ten farmers in Botswana by gifting each of them with 200 day old chicks at the Office of the President.

Botswana Farmers receives Broiler Chicks support from President Masisi
Botswana Farmers receives Broiler Chicks support from President Masisi Image credit: Botswana Govt Facebook page

Botswana: Yesterday morning, the president of Botswana, Dr Mokgweetsi Masisi, provided support to ten farmers in Botswana by gifting each of them with 200 day old chicks at the Office of the President.

The donation to the ten farmers was a result of the 200 day old chicks that President Dr Masisi received last year at the official opening of Irvine’s Feed Mill, popularly known as Irvine’s, for onward donation to ten beneficiaries.

Speaking at the occasion Minister for State President, Kabo Morwaeng, commended Irvine’s Botswana for their gesture that is expected to uplift the lives of the beneficiaries. He said the support by Irvine’s Botswana will go a long way in helping ensure that efforts to feed the nation by different young farmers are attained.



The ten beneficiaries, who were identified from across the country with the assistance of the Ministry of Agriculture, were also given 2100 kilograms of the Maxi Value starter feed each. They will be empowered with Irvine’s 1-day broiler training session.

For his part, the Minister of Agriculture, Fidelis Molao, implored the farmers to ensure extensive marketing of their businesses for them to grow and create more sustainable jobs.

He said the government of Botswana approved a Strategy to resuscitate Small Scale Poultry Production where small scale poultry producers were clustered, registered as cooperatives, registered with PPADB, and registered for EDD, then facilitated to access government tenders through Presidential Directive Cab 27 (A) 2014. Molao said this is done to increase the contribution of small-scale poultry producers to the poultry industry.

Meanwhile, Irvine’s Botswana CEO, Adre Hoffman, revealed that their company continues to support over 5000 Batswana in businesses as suppliers, the majority of them being women. He said theirs is to help Small Scale Enterprises grow; as such, their donation resonates with the desire to support businesses and create employment opportunities.