Botswana wraps up Voter Registration for 2024 Elections

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) informed the public and all its stakeholders that the General Voters Registration Exercise for the October 2024 General Elections was concluded on February 3, 2024.

Botswana wraps up Voter Registration for 2024 Elections
Botswana wraps up Voter Registration for 2024 Elections Image Credit: Facebook

Botswana: The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) informed the public and all its stakeholders that the General Voters Registration Exercise for the October 2024 General Elections was concluded on February 3, 2024.

Independent Electoral Commission said, “In the main, the exercise was a success in that other than the inevitable teething problems, administrative and logistical issues, there were no significant challenges that impeded the execution of the project.”

Furthermore, IEC said that they learned a lot from the exercise, which will be useful in similar activities in the future.

Moreover, they also shared the registration data, which showed that registration occurred among Seven Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Four (736,424) voters.

The number includes the Thousand Six Hundred forty-three (1643) registered in the diaspora. This is approximately 54% of our target of approximately 1.3 million.

The Commission will decide very soon on the issue of supplementary registration and appropriate notices issued to members of the public and the stakeholders.

Members of the public should also note that the total number registered represents unprocessed data captured and collated manually from all the Polling Stations, and the final number may vary slightly after the data has been processed.

Conversely, and as an example, the data processing and cleaning may yield a number perhaps slightly lower than the one we have disclosed due to duplications and/or double registration, which can only be detected during data cleaning.

Now, issues of data capturing into the Election Management System and data cleaning require the highest level of circumspection, dexterity and accuracy. Consequently, the Commission may be able to avail a Roll resulting from the recent General Voters’ Registration Exercise for inspection by members of the public during the second week of March 2024.

However, the Commission will work expeditiously to deliver the same Roll without undue delay, but at the same time without compromising the required levels of circumspection, dexterity and accuracy.

Lastly, the Commission is heavily indebted to all Batswana, both in the country and abroad, who heeded the call to register as voters. The Commission also appreciates the efforts of all political leaders, media houses and any other person(s) who contributed immensely in encouraging Batswana to register during the registration period. Remember, it is not only a constitutional right but a civic duty.