
Nigeria: Lagos submerges in water, after heavy rainfall

Some of the residents attributed the flood to the blockage of waterways, due to indiscriminate dumping of waste materials in and nearby localities.

Meta gifts blue tick to Nigerian content creators on Facebook

The implication will support the living of the content creators in Nigeria who can now earn advertisement revenue from Meta.

Nigeria Labour Congress angry over governors stand on wages

NLC warned the state governors against further inflammatory statements concerning the minimum wage to avoid provoking industrial unrest.   

Lady travelled on expired passport from London to Lagos

Shade expressed, after travelling with a foreign airline and using an expired Nigerian passport, that she never experienced any trouble while being at the London airport because she was allowed to board the aeroplane.

Nigeria to send its first astronaut into space

The first Nigerian astronaut will not only create history but will also gain worldwide fame and return to contribute his part in economic development of the nation.