Chief Mulungwe dissolves five child marriages, sends girls to school

Chief Mulungwe has been working tirelessly to promote education of girl child and discouraging early child marriages

Zambia: Chief Mulungwe has been working tirelessly to promote education of girl child and discouraging early child marriages. The leader of the Lala Speaking People of Mkushi District in Central Provice recently has dissolved five child marriages.

He has sent the victims back to school after getting them out of the unwanted relationship. He believes that it is crucial for the young women of his chiefdom to have access to crucial educational facilities.

Several families in the district have been gettibg their daughters married off at an early age and force them to stop their education. The officials have shared that Chief Mulungwe has warned that he will not tolerate child marriages in his chiefdom.

He has taken a very strict stance on the issue as the people of the country continue to defy administration. The government of Zambia has been encouraging the female students to complete their education and work for their bright future.

The traditional leader said that he wants to ensure that youths, especially girl-children, acquire education. This will allow the girls to have a better future and more command of their life.

He noted that child marriages do not only deprive girls of education, but also expose them to HIV/AIDS. The girls may also be exposed to and other sexually transmitted infections, as well as labor complications.

As a result. Several communities may experience an increased infant and maternal mortality.

The Chief stated that parents sending underage children into marriages will be prosecuted without any negotiations in order to deter would-be offenders in his chiefdom.

Chief Mulungwe also revealed that he has been taking advantage of public gatherings to sensitise communities on the importance of education and dangers of early marriages.

“We encourage girls to continue with school, even if they fall pregnant,” he said.

The traditional ruler observed that the sensitisation is yielding results as many parents have started appreciating efforts being made to protect children from early marriages.

He said the financial burden on parents, however, hinders most children from getting basic education.

Chief Mulungwe hailed the government for introducing the free education policy.

He said the initiative now gives an opportunity for the less privileged in society to attain an education.