The Premier, Dr Saul, together with the Members of the Executive Council, Mr Abraham Vosloo and Mr Zolile Monakali, joined by the Mayor of the Siyathemba Municipality, Mr Andrew Phillips, today met with Thyssenkrupp Group in Essen, Germany.
The Thyssenkrupp Group is an international leader in Green Hydrogen and Ammonia technology. Thyssenkrupp is the technology partner for CENEC, Mahlako and the IDC, who will build the Prieska Power Reserve (PPR)Industrial Complex in Prieska, Siyathemba Municipal Area.
The PPR, valued at R9.7 billion, will, for the duration of the project, create 22 000 jobs directly and indirectly, of which 27.5 % and 35% will be allocated to the Youth and women, respectively. SMMEs are also set to benefit from the R2,3 billion, which will be sourced locally.
Central to Provincial Government’s engagement with the group is the socio-economic upliftment of the community in Prieska and surrounding communities. This includes upskilling the Youth to ensure that they will directly benefit from the employment opportunities that the project will provide.
Provincial Government, in a joint venture with CENEC and Mahlako, will, as a matter of urgency, immediately work on the skills profile of the community, ensuring that our Youth in the area are placed in a training programming which is envisaged to start in January 2023 in order to take advantage of the opportunities that will arise.
As the Northern Cape Provincial Government, we are working with our social partners to deal with the challenge of youth unemployment and attract more investment to contribute toward job creation.
‘The Northern Cape is open to investments.’