CS Ababu Namwamba meets Pakistan Ambassador to develop cricket collaboration

Accordingly, Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba met the high commissioner of Pakistan for the collaborative effort and development of cricket.

CS Ababu Namwamba meets Pakistan Ambassador to develop cricket, Image: Facebook
CS Ababu Namwamba meets Pakistan Ambassador to develop cricket, Image: Facebook

Kenya: The Kenyan Government has decided to work with the government of Pakistan to work on developing their talent in terms of cricket. The Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy is responsible for taking the initiative. Accordingly, Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba met the high commissioner of Pakistan to collaborate on the effort.

The Cabinet Secretary told Ibrahim Hussain Khan that they can learn from the rich cricket history of the country.

Through collaboration, Kenya can improve its cricket talent and standards. Kenya has been working hard to enhance and develop the country’s sports sector.

The country is dedicated to giving international recognition to its sports economy. It wants to ensure that the young sportspersons of Kenya can monetize their talents and make a flourishing career.

Kenya’s cricket team gained international recognition during the 1996 Cricket World Cup for their performance. During the 2003 World Cup, the team reached the semi-finals, which was the biggest achievement for the team.

The government of Kenya wants to revive cricket among its youth with the help of Pakistan’s expertise. The country can help Kenya develop its cricket infrastructure, talent development programs, and global competitiveness.

Notably, Kenya and Pakistan share strong and deep bilateral relations which can help the former in bringing Kenya Cricket back to prominence.

“The government is eager to seek partnerships to revitalise the sport back to its former glory days.” Said the Cabinet Secretary. The government recognizes Pakistan as a key player in nurturing cricket talent and promoting sports excellence.

“Our goal is to utilize its abundant cricketing heritage and knowledge to enhance Kenya’s cricket infrastructure, talent development initiatives, and competitive edge on the world stage,” noted CS Ababu Namwamba.

The partnership between Pakistan and Kenya will bring new opportunities for Kenyan cricketers. The collaboration will also improve coaching capabilities and raise the nation’s overall standard of cricket.

Ambassador Khan was happy to be a part of the initiative, He said that sharing knowledge and joint initiatives are important to create a thriving cricket environment in Kenya. Further, he said that Pakistan is interested in collaborating with Kenya to rejuvenate other sectors.

The sectors where Kenya can assist Pakistan include hockey, the creative industry, and youth employment programs.