FBF: Knysna emerging writers bag publishing deals

Knysna, South Africa: The Emerging Writers Workshop that took place last week was so incredible. Try never to miss these young writers again if possible.

FBF: Knysna emerging writers bag publishing deals
FBF: Knysna emerging writers bag publishing deals Image credit: Knysna Municipality

Knysna, South Africa: The Emerging Writers Workshop that took place last week was so incredible. Try never to miss these young writers again if possible.

The workshop was a collaborative effort by the Knysna Municipality and Charmza Literary Club.

This workshop encouraged writers to challenge themselves technically and artistically through guided writing sessions, one-on-one instructor evaluations, group editing sessions, and creative presentations of their work.

The writers will be supported beyond the workshop until they produce quality pieces suitable for publication in their literary manuscripts.



Three were ultimately awarded an R5000 publishing deal. One such is an avid writer, Phelelani Best. She said, “I often get challenged expressing myself verbally, and writing has been my saving grace.

Furthermore, she stated, “The competition has given me the necessary knowledge and exposed my talents to the community. I am an actress too, so one of my dreams is to see myself perform one of my scripts on stage or TV, and this competition has shown me that it is possible.”

Zukhanye Lama and Siyamkela Yalolo also won a publishing deal worth R5000. Congratulations to all the winners. So many are ready to embrace the power of your voice. Write!