FNB Botswana golden grand PRIX welcomes new sponsors

Botswana: FNB Botswana Golden Grand Prix hosted a press conference to update the public as they approach the final lap of the event. The prestigious event, which will be held on the 29th of April 2023 at the National Stadium, continues to attract sponsors.

FNB Botswana golden grand PRIX welcomes new sponsors
FNB Botswana golden grand PRIX welcomes new sponsors Image credit: Botswana youth and gender facebook page

Botswana: FNB Botswana Golden Grand Prix hosted a press conference to update the public as they approach the final lap of the event. The prestigious event, which will be held on the 29th of April 2023 at the National Stadium, continues to attract sponsors.

The Vice Chairperson of the Golden Grand Prix local committee, Barulaganye Mogotsi, announced new Sponsors Coca cola Botswana, Khumo properties, MRI Botswana, Botswana Oil and Naledi Motors.

He extended gratitude to the companies for heeding their need and was eager to host a world-class event and take athletics in Botswana to a peculiar dimension.

Mr Mogotsi appreciated the existing sponsors, the title sponsor FNB Botswana, Orange Botswana, BTO, BITC, Rolling Wheels Mechanical and panel beating company, Nashua and Government through MYSC and other key government stakeholders for their immense support.

BNSC CEO Mr Tuelo Serufho pointed out that only nine days remain before the athletes descend in the country for the FNB Botswana Grand Prix. He explained that the Stadium track refurbishing is complete. He disclosed that participating athletes will come from countries such as Bahamas, Belgium, Burundi, Canada, Dominican Republic, Italy, Ethiopia, Gambia, Germany, Great Britain, Grenada, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Tunisia and the USA amongst others.

He mentioned that VVIPs and VIP tickets are sold out, with P250 tickets only 100 remaining, and the P100 general tickets are still available. Serufho shared that students, upon production of student cards, will access the ticket for P50, likewise for kids under 18.

The event will be a three-in-one event, with the first event starting at 9 am being a national series event, and it will feature athletes, especially from Southern Africa. It will be a Para event featuring 400M for men, 400M for both men and women, 100M for men and women, 1.5M for men, and 200M for both.

From 1310 hours, there will be two events, the Main Event and the Promotional event; the promotional event will basically be three relays the mixed relay, 4×4 and 4×100 relay. More events will follow up with the provision of entertainment in between the carnival proceedings.