Jean Sendeza condemns acts of violence on elderly

The Minister for Gender Affairs in the government of Malawi, Jean Sendeza, has asked people to work together to end abuse among the elderly

Jean Sandeza condemns acts of violence on elderly, Image: Facebook
Jean Sandeza condemns acts of violence on elderly, Image: Facebook

Malawi: The Minister for Gender Affairs in the government of Malawi, Jean Sendeza, has asked people to work together to end abuse among the elderly in this country. She has expressed her disappointment over the recent case of violence that happened with elderly women in the Dowa and Balaka districts.

She has advocated for the rights and safety of the elderly people, saying that it is important for the people of the country to take charge of the situation.


Speaking at a press conference in Lilongwe, Sendeza stressed that everyone, including the elderly, has rights.

“The violence that has happened recently to elderly women in Dowa and Balaka districts is disappointing. She claimed that while the act of violence was happening, e everyone was just watching and taking pictures and videos. The onlookers, who recorded videos or took pictures, could just as easily stop the incident from happening.

The Minister of Gennder was disappointed that no witnesses tried to protect the elderly women from acts of violence. Meanwhile, she also shared her concern about the increasing number of incidents coming to light in the country.

Sendeza described the attacks on the elderly as evil and a threat to the basic human right to life for all human beings.

The minister stressed that the elderly, just like any other person, are entitled to all the rights and freedoms without any distinction. She added that they should not live in fear of losing their life because of some beliefs which some people hold against them.

Assistant Commissioner of Police who is also the head of regional police, Alex Simenti, has asked the people of this country to focus on protecting the elderly. He further requested the witnesses to report to the police if they saw such behaviour.


According to the ministry, he said that from January 2023 until now, the police have received 78 cases of abuse of the elderly while 25 others were killed.

Minister Jean Sendeza has urged all communities and their leaders to help in the fight against any form of violence against the elderly and has warned that all perpetrators, if found, will face the law.