Kenya Forest CFA signs Participatory Forest Management Plan

Kenya: The Service and Kirisia/Leroghi Community Forest Associations (CFA) have signed Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP) and Forest Management Agreement (FMA) in an event presided over by the Principal Secretary of State Department of Forestry, Ephantus Kimotho.

Kenya Forest CFA signs Participatory Forest Management Plan
Kenya Forest CFA signs Participatory Forest Management Plan Image credit: KFA Facebook page

Kenya: The Service and Kirisia/Leroghi Community Forest Associations (CFA) have signed Participatory Forest Management Plan (PFMP) and Forest Management Agreement (FMA) in an event presided over by the Principal Secretary of State Department of Forestry, Ephantus Kimotho.

The signing is in line with the Forest Conservation and Management Act No.34 of 2016, which entrenches Management Plans as mandatory in the management of public forests.

The objective of this signing is to ensure sustainable conservation, management and restoration of Kirisia/Leroghi forests to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve forest cover and livelihoods of adjacent forest communities through sustainable utilisation of forest-based products.

The management plans also enable natural resource managers, communities, and users to incorporate scientific approaches and indigenous knowledge in forest management. The PFMP was prepared with support from Global Environment Facility (GEF-5) through FAO in partnership with KFS.

The PS Forestry, while addressing the CFA and all stakeholders present, acknowledged the importance of the PFMP/FMA signing and encouraged KFS to continue partnering with CFAs in the conservation and protection of forest resources. He also encouraged the community to continue planning and growing trees to help achieve 15 billion trees by 2032, as directed by the President.

Also present was the FAO rep to Kenya Amb. Carla Mucavi, Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests Peter Nduati representing the CCF, Capacity, Policy and Financial Incentives for PFM in Kirisia Forest and Integrated Rangelands Management Project manager Ann Itubo, Deputy Governor Samburu county, Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuda, RFC Ewaso North, CFA Chair and a host of administrative and local leaders.

The Service continues to lead tree planting exercises across the country as the country targets to achieve 30% tree cover by 2032.

A total of 3000 seedlings were planted in Kilifi and Kwale counties in the Coast Conservation area. Another 1000 seedlings were distributed to the local communities to plant on their farms. The tree planting activities were conducted in collaboration with the county governments, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, world vision and also members of the public.

In Eastern Conservancy, 8,800 seedlings were planted, while 4,830 were also planted in Nyanza Conservancy. These were conducted to rehabilitate degraded forest areas and also in schools and other public spaces.