Should I happen upon my younger self,
I would say, believe it when you hear that time flies… because it really does.
Therefore, live life without chasing tomorrow.
And never discount the wisdom of living in the moment.
Take time to smile loudly. A lot!
It is an inexpensive and effective medicine.
Resist the seductive temptations of anger and bitterness; they only atrophy your soul.
Love with every bit of your heart even when it hurts.
Just put it out there to fight for love wherever you find it.
Embrace those you love with love, and do not be afraid to say how you feel.
Worry less about things you cannot change.
In the long run, you will find worrying to be useless.
Spend heaps of time by yourself and experience the solace of your own company.
Spare time for your children so you spend less time looking at old photographs with regretful nostalgia when the time comes for them to leave you.
Be slow to judge others.
Remember that every story has three sides: yours, mine, and the truth.
Listen attentively with your mouth and talk deafeningly with your ears.
Steel your mind against criticisms, malice and jealousy.
They will come often – from friends and foes alike – sometimes camouflaged.
Do not take it personally, or you will stumble.
See them as ladders to climb and hurdles to overcome.
Lift the lid on triviality.
People are not caricatures, symbols, or things to fit into neat little boxes.
Appearances deceive and your eyes can betray you.
Speak your mind without resentment.
But explain yourself to no one, be very sure of who you are.
Spread kindness, but never let it be taken for granted or abused.
Make haste slowly. Do not rush life and its varied gifts.
Digest every moment carefully like an elixir,
let it massage and nourish the depths of your soul.
Find time every day to enjoy the peace inside you.
Therein lies your happy place, your zen.
And remember, everything you seek, you already have.
Crave nothing, become attached to nothing!
Open your heart! Allow your mind to be free.
Unlock your arms and palms and simply watch life pass through them and unfold beautifully before your eyes…