Pride of four lions loose in Katete District

The residents of the Mpoto area of Katete District in Eastern Province were left in a stste iof shock and fear after four lions were spotted in the community.

representative image of lions in Katete District
representative image of lions in Katete District

Zambia: The residents of the Mpoto area of Katete District in Eastern Province were left in a state of shock and fear after four lions were spotted in the community. The people of the community who saw the animals in the open called  on the authorities for help.

The lions in question were spotted by many members of the community who reached out to the officials with a plea to assist. The Katete National Parks and Wildlife District Officer-In-Charge Chilenga Nkhoma spoke to the media regarding this development.

He stated that the department was currently tracking the beasts in order to protect people from any possible attack. The wildlife district officer claimed that they are prioritizing the safety of the people of the communities.

“I can confirm that a pride of four lions has been spotted here in Katete. The lions were seen in Mpoto area. I have done the assessment, and we are currently tracking them. Please let us adjust our night movements especially on foot, bicycle and motorbikes,” he said.

Nkhoma also highlighted that the animals could be around the stated areas. He observed that they were following a route familiar to them. The people of the community have shared that there is a situation of panic within the community till the pride remains on the loose.

“I believe that used to be their territory and the animals have a memory of 70 years, and they also could be following the source of the Lupande Stream because it has a thicket,” he said.

In February this year, the department in collaboration with the Zambia Police gunned down a lion aged between 9 and 11 years that had been terrorizing residents for 10 days.

The lion killed two cows and two sheep belonging to farmers around Chimtende and Mpoto areas where the pride had been spotted in the district.

Katete has been experiencing various episodes of human animal conflicts ranging from crocodile and lion attacks including the destruction of crops by a troop of monkeys.