Stakeholder engagement on the proposed films and stage plays regulations in Kenya

Kenya: The Kenya Film Classification Board, yesterday, Tuesday 2nd May 2023, held consultative discussions with filmmakers and other key stakeholders in the Coastal region, among them religious leaders, on the proposed Films and Stage Plays Regulations and Guidelines.

Stakeholder engagement on the proposed films and stage plays regulations in Kenya
Stakeholder engagement on the proposed films and stage plays regulations in Kenya Image credit: Kenya facebook page

Kenya: The Kenya Film Classification Board, yesterday, Tuesday 2nd May 2023, held consultative discussions with filmmakers and other key stakeholders in the Coastal region, among them religious leaders, on the proposed Films and Stage Plays Regulations and Guidelines.

The consultative forum that was held at the Kenya School of Government (KSG) also aimed at collecting stakeholders’ input, comments and recommendation (s) on the proposed regulations, as well as apprise them of the other initiatives that the Board is undertaking to support the growth of the film sector, as well as create a facilitative regulatory environment for filmmakers in Kenya.

While addressing diverse stakeholders, the Board’s Ag CEO, Christopher Wambua, said that the Government proposes a 15% reduction in filming fees for local filmmakers, noting that the license fees for foreign filmmakers will remain the same.



The CEO noted that the Coastal region is one of the key areas where filming activities take place. “We found it important that we get views on the proposed regulations and guidelines from this key region, among others.

The regulations were published on 28th March 2023 for public participation, which lapsed on 28th April 2023.

Wambua noted that the proposed regulations are meant to align the legal and regulatory framework to developments in the industry as well as international best practices.

In addition, the Ag CEO said, “The regulations are geared towards encouraging additional investment in the film sector, thus providing opportunities for local filmmakers to monetize their talents”.

On the proposed self-classification, Wambua said that the Board will provide an oversight role as well training to exhibitors of audio-visual content, especially on VOD and OTT platforms. Other proposals in the draft regulations include imposing lower examination and classification fees on cinema operators, video shops, and dens with more screens.

Image credit: Kenya Film Classification Board Facebook page

A new film rating, PG 13, is also proposed in a move meant to bridge the huge rating gap for content meant for children aged between 10 and 16.

The current local film ratings include the General Exhibition (GE), Parental Guidance (PG), 16, 18 and Restricted.

The proposed regulations and guidelines include: 

  • Film and Stage Plays (Film Classification) Guidelines, 2023, 
  • Films and Stage Plays (Self-Classification) Regulations, 2023, Films and Stage Plays (Film Distribution and Exhibition) Regulations, 2023, 
  • Films and Stage Plays (Film Censorship) Regulations, 2023 and the Films and Stage Plays (Cinematograph Films) (Forms and Fees), Regulations, 2023.