Cape Town Safety and Security Directorate Records Major Growth
The budget by Directorate has prioritised its vehicle, equipment and tech rollout in recent years, along with the acquisition of various tools to improve situational awareness, gathering of evidence as…
City launches set instructions for 47th Cape Town Cycle Tour
It is an honour for the City of Cape Town to contribute towards the growth of the event over these years and they are excited to continue the partnership for…
‘Cape Town Pride Parade and Mardi Gras’ CT’s biggest Pride festival to end
It is an occasion where allies, family and friends come together as a community for Africa’s biggest parade, while celebrating LGBTIQ+ awareness, diversity and inclusivity.
City of Cape Town Metro Police Department conducts Road Safety Lectures
The team taught them critical lifesaving skills of being responsible road users and empowered children to stand up for their rights and safety and that of others.
City of Cape Town completes Bellville Hockey Turf
City of Cape Town is committed to provide attractive, safe accessible and sustainable spaces where the residents, athletes and visitors can engage in sports and recreation activities.
Cape Town Metro Police K9 Unit welcomes 10 new four-legged recruits
The new group is going through their basic training, four will qualify as copper and narcotic detection dogs, four will conduct general patrol duties and will help in apprehending the…
Investec Cape Town Art Fair is back with more world art performers to Mother City
Investec Cape Town Art Fair is one of the largest art event of Africa. It showcases a collection of art from 58 countries and more than 30,000 visitors visit here…
City Metro Police Strategic Surveillance Unit Is Keeping Eye Strictly Via CCTV
Metro Police Strategic Surveillance Unit (SSU) has a network of 1169 CCTV cameras in various parts of the metropole. Some of them are funded by the Safety and Security Directorate…
City Neighbourhood Watch Support Programme Introduces New Cell-Phone App
The Neighbourhood Watch Support Programme has evolved greatly in 18 years. It started off with training in community policing concepts and the handover of equipment for patrols.