Tag: cholera


Chilanga District continues to experience Cholera epidemic

The Chilanga District of Zambia has continued to record cholera cases in some health Centres even though the number of cases have reduced

Lilongwe DC Dr Lawford Palani calls for hygiene in community

District Commissioner (DC) for Lilongwe Dr Lawford Palani has urged communities in the district to maintain hygiene and sanitation

Chitipa district records cholera case, prevention intensified

Chitipa Health Office (DHO) has reported one confirmed case of Cholera in a six-year-old boy of the Traditional Authority Nthalire

Chinese Embassy extends support to Zambia to fight Cholera

The Chinese embassy has donated US $500,000 to Zambia to support their efforts in fighting the outbreak of cholera.

Itebe Ward fishermen contemplate moving back to fishing camps

Itebe Ward Councilor in Mazabuka, Fanwell Lwiindi has announced that the fishermen of the community are returning to the fishing camps.