Tag: cholera news

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Chilanga District continues to experience Cholera epidemic

The Chilanga District of Zambia has continued to record cholera cases in some health Centres even though the number of cases have reduced

Chitipa district records cholera case, prevention intensified

Chitipa Health Office (DHO) has reported one confirmed case of Cholera in a six-year-old boy of the Traditional Authority Nthalire

Care International assists Mambwe in fighting cholera

Care International Zambia has donated Cholera Infection control material to Mambwe District Health Office including funds worth K115,000.

Sugar Zambia pledges support of K1.6 Million to Mazabuka District

Sugar Zambia have extended a helping hand and pledged a financial support to Mazabuka District to a tune of K1.6 million to fight cholera

Cholera cases, water supply troubles in Chavuma District

The Chavuma District is facing a water crisis for the last one month.  The Residents are asking NWWSCO to rectify the erratic water supply.