BEPA, Gaborone City Council seek working partnership
Botswana Entertainment Promoters Association (BEPA) has approached the Gaborone City with an offer of partnership.
Gaborone City, Orange Botswana partner for cleanup campaign
Gaborone City Council has commemorated the World Environment Day together with Orange Botswana with a cleanup campaign
2024 Sports for Persons with Disability event hosted in Gaborone
The African Union Sports Council (AUSC) organized the 2024 Sports for Persons with Disability (SPWD) in Gaborone from June 5 to June 7
Forbes Under 30 Summit launched in Gaborone
The Forbes Under 30 Summit has started in Gaborone’s City Main Mall. The event featured many attendants from African business community
Mayor Austin Abraham inspires Botswana team for Africa Youth Championships
Botswana: The Botswana Table Tennis Team received the Mayor of Gaborone, Austin Abraham at the camp of the Junior Table Tennis Team. The aim of the visit was to encourage…
Austin Abraham hosts delegation from Ombudsman office
The Mayor of Gaborone Austin Abraham received a delegation of representatives from the Office of the Ombudsman.
Gaborone commemorates World Economics Day
Gaborone City Council (GCC) commemorated the World Economics Day in the country on March 21 and highlights home economists.
Gaborone City Council constructs new guard houses
Gaborone City Council has completed guard houses in three locations across the city through Ipelegeng Programme.
Gaborone: Austin Abraham attends charity walk
The Mayor of Gaborone, Austin Abraham attended the North West District Council Chairman’s charity walk to unite Council Chairmans and Mayors.