Tag: Kabompo


Zambia welcomes school reopening after Cholera break

Zambia finally allowed schools to open for their 2024 academic session after the long Cholera break, and schools are also accepting instant application letters.

Kabompo Senior chief Sikufele calls for collaboration during Cholera outbreak

Senior Chief Sikufele of the Mbunda-speaking people of Manyinga and Kabompo Districts in Northwestern Province has implored the Ministry of Health in Manyinga District to enhance their engagements with Civic and traditional leadership in the area in the fight against Cholera.

Kabompo Parliament member inspects Nkulwashi school construction

The Area Member of Parliament Ambrose Lufuma and his entourage visited and inspected Nkulwashi Secondary School on Monday. 

Kabompo Thrives: Latest developments unveiled by Town Council

Zambia (Kabompo): Kabompo Town Council in North-Western Province shared the details of the development on their official social media page on Monday. 

Kabompo boosts growth: 6M Kwacha empowers citizens

Kabompo Town Council, through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, has disbursed over Six million Kwacha in constituency development fund (CDF) loans and empowerment grants to 28 youth and women groups and 59 companies and enterprises of Kabompo constituency in Northwestern province.