ZAF Commander Lt Gen Oscar Msitu Nyon undertakes tour of three bases

In a display of hands-on leadership, Zambia Air Force Commander, Lt Gen Oscar Msitu Nyoni, embarked on a comprehensive tour of ZAF Zuze Base, ZAF Mumbwa, and ZAF Livingstone.

ZAF Commander Lt Gen Oscar Msitu Nyon undertakes tour of three bases
ZAF Commander Lt Gen Oscar Msitu Nyon undertakes tour of three bases Image Credit: Facebook

Zambia: In a display of hands-on leadership, Zambia Air Force Commander, Lt Gen Oscar Msitu Nyoni, embarked on a comprehensive tour of ZAF Zuze Base, ZAF Mumbwa, and ZAF Livingstone.

The purpose of the tour was to engage with personnel and communicate his vision and strategic direction for the Air Force, which is anchored on effective leadership, welfare, morale and combat readiness to defeat all threats, including hunger.


The tour kicked off at ZAF Zuze Base, where the Air Force Commander addressed personnel and inspected some infrastructure aimed at enhancing operational capabilities to ensure that the base was well-equipped to meet the evolving demands of national defence.

And speaking when he paid a courtesy call on the Copperbelt Province Minister, Elisha Matambo, Lt Gen Nyoni engaged the Minister in discussions centred on an innovative vision that transcends traditional military roles – engaging the Zambia Air Force in agriculture activities during peacetime.

Lt Gen Nyoni, with a passion for a holistic approach to national security, shared his vision to participate in agriculture activities during times of peace actively. He spoke vividly about the Lufwanyama farming project, outlining how this initiative could not only contribute to food security but also serve as a means for the Air Force to play a direct role in national economic development.

Minister Elisha Matambo, in response, commended the ZAF for its forward-thinking approach. He stated that the government, under the leadership of His Excellency the President, was fully supportive of the Air Force’s diversification into agriculture.

“We are pleased with the Zambia Air Force’s plans for the Lufwanyama farming project. It aligns perfectly with our government’s commitment to economic development and food security. Lufwanyama has good soils, and that will help us in reaching our anticipated production targets.

General, we are ready to support you in your request for more land for farming, and we will engage our traditional leaders in order for your vision to be realized,” the Minister remarked.


The Minister also conveyed his gratitude to the Air Force Commander for his steadfast support of the presidency and government initiatives.

The Commander then proceeded to ZAF Mumbwa, and one of the highlights of the tour was an on-the-spot tour of the Ndeke farms. The Commander immersed himself in the inspection of the crops, showcasing his dedication to a unique aspect of his command priorities – agriculture.

Contributing to the national economy through agriculture is a key component of his strategy to combat food insecurity. The Ndeke farms, under the Air Force symbolize a pledge to cultivating self-sufficiency and making a substantial contribution to the nation’s food basket.

“I firmly believe that a secure nation is not only about military might but also about economic resilience and food security. Our contribution through agriculture is a tangible way for the Air Force to actively participate in the well-being of our citizens,” Lt Gen Nyoni stated during his address.

The tour concluded at ZAF Livingstone, where Lt Gen Nyoni engaged with personnel on the strategic direction of the Air Force. He emphasized the importance of adaptability and readiness, stressing that the Air Force must stay ahead in a rapidly changing global landscape.

He assured personnel that under his Command, the Zambia Air Force would continue to carry out its constitutional mandate of safeguarding the Zambian airspace. He also said that ZAF would position itself to respond effectively to emerging and modern threats such as hunger, disease, and environmental issues, among others. He also highlighted the need for collaboration with other Sister Services, Security Wings and government departments for ZAF’s continued growth and effectiveness.

The Air Force Commander called on personnel to remain professional, disciplined and dedication to duty. He underscored the critical role that the Air Force plays in national security and assured the personnel of his commitment to enhancing their capabilities and welfare.

Lt Gen Nyoni’s dynamic leadership tour not only showcased his assurance of the welfare and combat readiness of the Air Force but also highlighted his innovative approach to ensuring a secure and prosperous Zambia through food security. The men and women of the Zambia Air Force are now not just aware of their Commander’s vision but are inspired to contribute to its realization actively.