Zambia: Kalobo concerned over increased Gender based violence cases

Zambia: The Kalomo Anti Gender Based Violence (KGBV) are concerned about the rising cases of GBV cases in the district. The organization has called for a multi-sectoral approach to find a solution for the issue.

Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) Copperbelt Coordinator Sharon Chisanga has also added her views to the situation. According to her, Five of the fifteen cases of defilement recorded so far in the Copperbelt province are caused by biological parents and guardians.


Acting District Health Director, Misheck Mukanzu notes that the region has recorded 788 GBV cases till October 31, 2023. The number and gravity of the issue calls for collective efforts to address the situation.

Kalomo district launched the 16 days of activism against gender based violence November 28, 2023. At the launch, Dr Mukanzu asked communities to refrain from stereotyping one another. He also urged them to be advocates for change on gender based violence.

“I urge communities to be advocates for change as this pressing issue demands our collective efforts to eradicate it. We have the power to address this situation for our future generations,” Dr. Mukanzu says.

Meanwhile, the Anti-GBV One stop centre in Kalomo says it has put up comprehensive strategies to address the root causes of GBV and ensure the wellbeing of its survivors.

Meanwhile, officiating at the launch, Kalomo district commissioner, Joshua Sikaduli says government has put in much effort to promote gender equity so that there is reduced discrimination between the male and womenfolk.

“Gender based violence is not only a human issue but a public health issue which should be dealt with through collective action within society,” Sikaduli observes.


This years’ 16 days of activism against gender based violence is under the theme ‘Invest to prevent violence against women and girls.’

The district has lined up outreach programmes through mass media, session talks in churches and other public platforms during the activism period which runs from November 25 to December 10.

On the Copperbelt province , Five of the 15 cases of defilement cases  recorded so far in the region are caused by biological parents and guardians, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) Copperbelt Coordinator Sharon Chisanga has said.

Chisanga says three of the recorded cases are from Kalulushi adding that there is urgent need to address the defilement of girls at family level.

“A family is supposed to be a Safe Place, Protective but seeing such vices happening within such spaces, the wellbeing of adolescent girls is at risk.” said Chisenga.