4Engineer Brigade delighted over bridge completion in Zambezi

The Road Development Agency has reported the completion of 6 bridges in the North-Western Province through 4Engineer Brigade.

4Engineer Brigade delighted over finished bridge in Zambezi, Image: facebook
4Engineer Brigade delighted over finished bridge in Zambezi, Image: facebook

Zambia: The Road Development Agency has reported the completion of 6 bridges in the North-Western Province. The Zambia Army, 4Engineer Brigade was responsible for overseeing the construction of the bridges

The authorities are delighted with the development of the road infrastructure which will make movement in the province easier. The construction of the bridges started approximately one year ago.

The six bridges were constructed over the Kashiji River in Zambezi District after the residents contacted the authorities with concerns. According to them, during the country’s rainy season, the river would flood, severely limiting the movement across it.

The 4Engineer Brigade Commander, Brig Gen Frenly Buumba Zyeele, visited one of the construction locations for inspection. He was happy with the inspection results of the acrow bridge constructed in Muyembe, Zambezi West of North Western Province.

The people of Zambezi are also delighted with the construction of the bridge, which will make travel easier for them. According to official reports, the 4Engineer Brigade started constructing the six acrow bridges across the Kashiji River on May 16, 2023.

The 4Engineer Brigade Commander, Brig Gen Frenly Buumba Zyeelea addressed the members of the community at the inspection visit. He praised the troops for their elasticity and attention to detail during the construction period.

He noted that equipment movement was challenging due to the location of the bridges. However, despite the challenges they faced, the engineers persevered.

Previously, during the rainy season, the Muyembe community would be cut off from other communities due to the flooding of the Kashiji River. However, with the construction of the bridges, that will no longer be the case.

The community has expressed delight at the construction of the bridge and has unreservedly thanked the engineers for engaging well with them during the construction of the crossing point.

Earlier, the North Western Formation Commander, Brigadier General Percival Nsama, Brigadier Genera Zyeele, and other senior officers visited Mukandankunda military camp and urged the troops to take care of the permanent structures.

The construction of the road infrastructure is significant for the people of the district who applauded the authorities for their support and commitment to their welfare