80 Air Navigation School Rendezvous at Central Flying School

Owerri, Nigeria: During the month of March 2023, 80 Air Navigation School presented the Low-Level Tactical phase to Navigator Wings Course 70 with much-appreciated assistance from Central Flying School.

80 Air Navigation School Rendezvous at Central Flying School
80 Air Navigation School Rendezvous at Central Flying School Image credit: Facebook

South Africa: During the month of March 2023, 80 Air Navigation School presented the Low-Level Tactical phase to Navigator Wings Course 70 with much-appreciated assistance from Central Flying School.

The Navigator Wings Course 70 course was initiated in the month of January 2022 and is set to finish in June 2023, soon presenting six newly qualified Navigators to the South African Air Force.


The low-level tactical phase is considered one of the most challenging phases presented by the school of navigation as it tests the student’s ability to navigate at very low heights while having to make reactive decisions in a simulated high-stress environment.

On initial arrival at Central Flying School, Navigator Wings Course 70 got introduced to the instructors, staff, students and the general environment of Air Force Base Langebaanweg.

Following all the necessary procurement procedures, the course received all the equipment needed for flight and classes on the technical aspects of the aircraft as well as the in-flight procedures. On completion of the groundwork, the real fun started as the course progressed to complete the practical flying.

Flying with world-class instructors, some of whom are Silver Falcons, made the experience such a great pleasure for the students. For some navigator students, this is where they found their love and passion for the low-level environment.

Flying at amazing speeds of 210 knots (approx. 390km/h) at 200 feet above ground level (approx. 60m) really isn’t for the faint-hearted, especially not on ab-initio training. However, this allowed the navigator student to grow in both their personal development as well as in their profession.

The nature of this training puts the student under immense pressure as planning for an hour and a half-flight could sometimes take up to eight hours to plan with the expectation of a perfect execution thereof the following day with little to no sleep attained from the previous night.


The students of Navigator Wings Course 70 did not only showcase their skills and abilities for fast and reactive thinking, accurate mental calculations and safe flight execution through valleys and mountains, but they have also achieved great results making their school, 80 Air Navigation School, proud with a 100% pass rate.

“Flying in the Pilatus PC-7 MK II Astra at those great speeds while pulling medium G’s in turns and manoeuvring the aircraft through valleys was a life-changing experience’ said Candidate Officer Nkambule, a Navigator Wings Course 70 student and Candidate Officer Carollisen added.”

“My knowledge base of tactical flying got greatly improved thanks to this phase. We received very high standard teachings from Navigator and Pilot instructors, and it required you to be very flexible.”

To conclude the tactical low-level phase events, the streaming board was held on the 18th of May for student navigators and pupil pilots. The aftermath of the streaming board for the navigator students resulted in three being streamed for transport, one for fighters and two for helicopters.

Special thanks and appreciation to Central Flying School for assisting 80 Air Navigation School during the low-level tactical phase as many challenges arose but still great results were shown at the end of a successful phase.