Halima Daudi inaugurates Breastfeeding Week in Malawi

Deputy Minister of Health, Halima Daudi, has caurged the healthcare stakeholders to promote exclusive and optimal breastfeeding

Halima Daudi inaugurates Breastfeeding Week in Malawi, Image: facebook
Halima Daudi inaugurates Breastfeeding Week in Malawi, Image: facebook

Malawi: Deputy Minister of Health, Halima Daudi, has caurged the healthcare stakeholders to promote exclusive and optimal breastfeeding. It is important to breastfeed the babies until they are six months old before they start supplementary food and water.

Daudi made the call on Thursday at Mwalala Community Ground in Salima. She was at the time officiating the launch of the 2024 World Breastfeeding Week commemoration.

The World Breastfeeding Week takes place from August 1st to 7th each year.

Daudi said it is every person’s role to take part in promoting optimal breastfeeding for children. The aim of the initiative is to eensure that the babies can grow into healthier babies. She said that breast milk provides all the required nutrients to children for their growth and survival.

“When a child is born, it is supposed to be given breast milk within the first 30 minutes. The first yellow milk is important for the growth of the child until the child is six months old without being given any food or water,” she said.

Daudi applauded the commitment men are showing in assisting breastfeeding women to practice optimal breastfeeding. They are taking care of various tasks that would distract their schedule from breastfeeding.

“It is very exciting to see men taking part in these interventions; something we did not have before. We used to see women going to hospitals alone to receive guidance and training on breastfeeding, but men are also taking part now,” she said.

Chief of Nutrition for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) Malawi, Dr Charity Zvandaziva, pointed out that different reasons are contributing to the failure to achieve exclusive breastfeeding in both rural and urban areas.

She said breastfeeding should be supported and women facing challenges to breastfeed their babies should be given a conducive environment so that they can comfortably breastfeed their babies.

“Some parts of the country were hit by drought and these areas will be food insecure. Therefore, households with breastfeeding mothers should be supported with relief food,” she said.

Member of Parliament for Salima Central, Gerald Kapiseni Phiri, underscored the important role that breastfeeding plays in the lives of babies, citing that the development of the country relies on healthy citizens which starts with healthy babies.

Phiri has called upon duty bearers in the country to champion policy-making regarding breastfeeding and participation to uplift the welfare of babies on issues of breastfeeding.

The theme of this year’s breastfeeding week is “Closing the gap: breastfeeding support for all”