Bangwe Police arrests man for defiling minors

The police force has arrested a 46-year-old man identified as Paul Jalasi. who was taken in custody at Bangwe Sub Police Station

Bangwe Police arrests man for defiling minors, Image: facebook
Bangwe Police arrests man for defiling minors, Image: facebook

Malawi: The police force has arrested a 46-year-old man identified as Paul Jalasi. He was taken in custody at Bangwe Sub Police Station as the officials suspect that he had defiled minors.

The police force has revealed that they believe the girls whom he has assaulted are of the ages eight  and five. The Limbe Police Station, Public Relations Officer, Aubrey Singanyama spoke to the media regarding the incident.

He said the alleged incident happened on May 9, 2024 at around 08:00 hours in Bangwe Township.

“Jalasi allegedly coaxed an eight year old girl into his house taking advantage of the absence of her mother. The mother had been out of her home to attend to some personal business at the Limbe market, he said.

Singanyama said that inside the house, the suspect engaged in sexual activity with the girl. After he was done with the eight year old, he lured another five year old girl into the same house.

He also proceeded to have sexual intercourse with the five year old.

“He later, gave the two minors boiled sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes to keep their mouths shut before allowing them to go and play with their friends, he added.

Limbe Police Station publicist explained that in the afternoon, the eight year old victim’s mother returned from her business engagement. At this point the victims  informed the older woman about their ordeal.

The victim’s mother then reported the issue to Bangwe Police sub-station and called onn the authorities to give them justice. The police officials started their  investigation into the matter.

The police referred the two victims to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital’s One Stop Centre for medical attention where results of sexual encounters came out positive.

”The police later arrested Jalasi and will appear before court soon to answer the charge of having sexual intercourse with minor, Singanyama added.

Jalasi comes from Chingoni Village, Traditional Authority Mpando in Ntcheu District.