Botswana DEA entrusts music icons to be good influence on youth

Botswana: The Drug Enforcement Agency of Southern Africa held a drug and substance use prevention workshop for artists in Botswana on Wednesday.

The prevention workshop aims to have engaging conversations with creative sector members so that they can lead youth in the right direction through their Art.


Botswana Defence Minister Kagiso Mmusi believe that today, youth try to copy their favourite artist’s lifestyles, and only artists can lead them in the right direction.

He urged artists to disseminate information about the dangers of drugs while performing at their respective events.

While giving a keynote address, Minister of Defence, Justice and Security Kagiso Mmusi noted that drug use and trafficking are a great concern worldwide. He said the abuse of illicit drugs and trafficking is organized by adults who are expected to lead the youth.

Minister Mmusi acknowledged that such workshops provide a platform for engaging with artists to fight the use of drugs.

“There are no better weapons for behaviour change than education and information. Your actions are a realistic adoption of “Mindset Change” – A re Chencheng Dikakanyo, Maikutlo le Boitshwaro. We can win if we are united”, advised Mmusi.

Mmusi noted with concern that young people are pressured by their peers to take drugs, which he said youth should resist. He added that artists should shake off the myth that drugs do enhance intelligence, which in return actually damages one’s well-being.


“I implore and beg you to say no to such temptations as succumbing to the pressure might mark the beginning of the end of your talent and career”, urged Mmusi

Other speakers about drug and substance addiction and prevention further sensitized artists’ treatment and recovery.

The DEA will host a carnival on Thursday in Gaborone West at MmaMasire Grounds, where artists will be performing and compatriots will be giving public education about drugs and illicit drug usage.