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So Long: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
I know you’re gone But I still hear your laughter ringing off…
Footnotes: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Slow down and let your breath savour these few remaining pockets of…
Footnote: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Slow down, let your soul savour the few remaining pockets of pristine…
Tomorrow: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Because tomorrow is now take a bit more time and inhale daylight.…
The Pursuit: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
How much stuff must one accumulate in pursuit of fulfilment before the…
The Fog: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Take the house, and the land on which it sits. Nip the…
Bend in the Road: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
The arch of time bends sometimes, unexpectedly. It finds new paths and…
Perfect Moment: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Don’t wait for the perfect moment… It will never come. Take time…
The Quandary: A Poetry by Kevin Isaac
Jump high! but keep both feet planted firmly on the ground. Shout…