Malawi: Some of the vendors in Chitipa District have called on the Chitipa District Council to think about constructing more market shades at Ibugulira Market. The region is in question is situated in Senior Chief Mwenewenya in the district.
Godfrey Kaonga, one of the traders at the Ibugulira Trading Centre spoke to the media regarding the issue of less space in the market shelters.
The trader has shared that the the district council had constructed two shelters in the market area , but they are not enough to accommodate the growing number of traders in the district. He has thus asked the administration to construct more market shades.
The trader, Kaonga revealed that one market shade accommodated vegetable traders and the other shade accommodates fish sellers.
“Fish sellers are many and one shade for them is not enough. We need more market shades not only for fish sellers but even for other traders. If the district council can construct four other market shades it will help alleviate the challenge we are facing,” Kaonga said.
Another trader, Joice Mbale, said currently most traders have constructed grass-thatched benches, which he said are just temporary. “If the district council can even allow traders to construct their shades or shops it can help improve the situation,” Mbale appealed.
Director of Public Works for Chitipa District Council, Engineer Misheck Gondwe has sharded the problem that the district council is experiencing. Currently, the district council does not have plans to construct other shades at Ibugulira. However, The administration wants to address the issue of low space but the situation need time for planning and support from community.
In line with this, the Director of Public Works for Chitipa District Council has clarified that they will be allowed to construct their structures. However, this will be allowed only after the district council land department maps out the whole area. The authorities have shared that the previous structures were built using the District Development Fund (DDF).