Chongwe District to combat food crisis after severe drought

Chongwe District has announced that they will start the distribution of relief maize soon after identification of beneficiaries

Chongwe District starts combat food crisis after severe drought, Image: facebook
Chongwe District starts combat food crisis after severe drought, Image: facebook

Zambia: Chongwe District has announced that they will start the distribution of relief maize soon. The process will start Immediately after the authorities conclude the process for the identification of the vulnerable population.

Once the beneficiaries of the programme have been established, the team will start the distribution process. The aim of the initiative is to make sure that the support reaches the population that needs it the most.

The relief Maize distribution is one of the programs among many other government and community based initiatives. The aim of the distribution exercise to to prevent the upcoming hunger crisis that the experts have forecasted.

The country has been struggling with a devastating drought in the country due to which the agriculture output is significantly below par. The team shared that the announcement for the same was made during the District Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit Progress review meeting.

The meeting was hosted in the boardroom of the Mayor of Chongwe to review plans on the hunger disaster in the district. The authorities across the nation have been struggling to find a tangible and worthwhile solution for the crisis.

Chongwe  DMMU have joined the administration in their efforts in order to cushion the impact of drought during the 2023/2024 farming season. Chongwe District Commissioner Dr. Evans Lupiya who was chairing the review meeting delivered brief remarks.

He noted that there is a need to provide more shelters in all areas that have been hit drastically by  drought. Dr. Lupiya acknowledge that the drought has left many families in distress as they don’t know how they would survive the food shortage crisis.

The food crisis will be resolved by the next farming season, if the crops are good for the said timeframe. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Chongwe Christopher Habeenzu encouraged the communities to consider venturing into non-rain fall supported farming activities.

He believes that it will help in enhancing the  farming and crop diversification  of the country. The Mayor called on stakeholders concerted effort from the church, non – Governmental organizations, chiefs and Headmen to mitigate the hunger situation in the district.