Collective initiative by TM Pick n Pay and CABS, donates cancer medicines

Parirenyatwa hospital received cancer medicines worth $50k, a collaborative initiative by TM Pick n Pay, CABS & Cancer Association of Zimbabwe

Parirenyatwa Hospital while receiving cancer medicines
Parirenyatwa Hospital while receiving cancer medicines

Zimbabwe: A hospital in Zimbabwe named Parirenyatwa received medicines related to cancer, which were worth US $50,000. The hospital received the medicines and drugs from TM Pick n Pay, CABS and the Cancer Association of Zimbabwe as part of efforts to fight cancer.

As per the sources, TM Pick n Pay raised US $25,000 by selling 80,000 cupcakes from its outlets, which was an initiative to help cancer patients.

Whereas CABS generated US $25,000 by granting two cents from every point-of-sale transaction that was made by customers in the Pick n Pay outlet.

Reportedly, Head of the Cancer Department and Cancer Specialist – Dr Nothando Mutizira presented his gratitude towards the donors for assisting the hospital’s effort.

While thanking the donors Mutizira said that these drugs will go a long way because usually they have challenges as most of the patients cannot afford to pay for these drugs. Patients leave them in difficult situation where they are not even able to deliver medicines.

Cancer Specialist Mutizira added, “With the availability of the medicines, the patients will not buy these as it is a donation. it is because the patients then will not be able to receive the treatment that is prescribed specially for them.”

Dr Mutizira said that they processed the repairing of radiotherapy machines at the hospital. He mentioned that for a while, they were facing challenges with radiotherapy machines but are thankful that the engineers came for the initial assessment and got to see the kind of equipment they needed.

As per the statistics of the year 2018 from the Zimbabwe Cancer Registry, over 7500 new cancer cases were recorded with 2500 deaths.

Considering the donation, General Manager of Cancer Association of Zimbabwe – Junior Mavhu said that partnering with different organisations was the way of initiating and to go in order to win the fight against diseases like cancer.

General Manager Mavhu mentioned that almost everywhere, when it comes to cancer treatment, prevention, cancer awareness and cancer screening, the doctors are doing all they can but it can be improved.

Junior Mavhu said, “I am encouraging stakeholders and organisations to rally behind hospitals, cancer treatment, diagnosing and procuring everything needed so that at the end of the day, whatever we will be doing, will be done for the good of the nation.”