Zimbabwe: A man from Kadoma was apprehended for fatally stabbing his cousin with a knife due to a dispute related to mining.
As per the statement issued by the Zimbabwe Police, Samson Katsuro aged 50 was arrested on a charge of murder which occurred on Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024, in Sanyati.
According to the reports, Samson allegedly stabbed Peter Katsuro aged 29, several times using a Colombian knife that resulted in his death on the spot.
Reportedly, the Police is appealing for information that may assist in the investigation of the killing of a man at a night club in Dangamvura Area-14 on Saturday, Jan 13, 2024 in Mutare.
As per the sources, in the night club crime case, the man was assaulted with an iron bar by an unknown suspect and died three days later, after getting admitted at the Victoria Chitepo Hospital because of his injuries.
Reportedly, the police in Karoi said that Gift Benzo aged 26 and Tinashe Mbishi aged 22 were arrested due to their connection to a robbery case on Tuesday, Jan 16, 2024 at Jongwe Mine in Nyamahape.
As per the allegations, the two persons stole the two mobile phones, a mini-digital gold scale, a satchel and some clothes at the mine before disappearing.
The police also informed that the suspects were later arrested by members of the community at Nyangomba shops after the complainant had identified them.
Moreover, the arrest led to the recovery of the stolen items, a machete and an axe.
Cities of Zimbabwe are recording the fatal crimes of killing, kidnapping, stabbing, snatching and robbery continuously on a daily basis. The Zimbabwe Republic Police have recently been reported with numerous of road accidents too. The crime rate is increasing gradually which needs to be stopped and proper measures and actions are need to be taken to curb the issue.
The cops need to stay alert every time they sense any crime is about to happen, as citizens need to be protected, which is the duty of the city police.