DHET Dept. celebrates Integrated Public Service Month

South Africa: The Department of Higher Education and Training celebrated the closing of Integrated Public Service Month (IPSM) earlier on 1 October at the Tshwane North TVET College.

DHET Dept. celebrates Integrated Public Service Month
DHET Dept. celebrates Integrated Public Service Month

South Africa: The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) celebrated the closing of Integrated Public Service Month (IPSM) earlier on 1 October at the Tshwane North TVET College.

The 2022 IPSM is celebrated under the theme “A clarion call to the country’s public servants to dedicate themselves and translate the Batho Pele Revitalization strategy into tangible results for citizens”.

Public service month for 2022 focuses on affirming government commitment to upholding the value and principles of public administration enshrined in Section 195 of the Constitution, as well as the constitutional responsibility of the State as articulated in the Bill of Rights, to deliver services to the citizens.



It also serves as a reminder of what it means to serve communities and to also look at the impact the government has made, especially around issues of service delivery.

The Deputy Director General for Corporate Services, Ms Lulama Mbobo-Vava, outlined the purpose of the day and praised the recipients for their dedication to serving the people of South Africa for years.

“Today, we are expressing our appreciation for your commitment and loyalty after completing those many years of serving the government of South Africa,” said DDG Mbobo-Vava.



During his address, Director General Dr Nkosinathi Sishi said that part of the activities in the integrated plan of Public Service Month of the department this year include the important programme to ensure that long service awards are held to recognize the employees who served the department for 10, 20, and 30 years, respectively.

“Noting that the year 2022 marks the 25th anniversary of the Batho Pele White Paper as a framework for the transformation of public service delivery, under the theme: Batho Pele Revitalisation – walking the talk, translating policy into practice translating what we talk about in this platform into realizable achievements that improve service delivery, you indeed colleagues have walked the talk,” said Dr Sishi.