Dominica: Drilling for reinjection in geothermal power plant starts

Dominica: The Commonwealth of Dominica has made significant strides in the development of geothermal energy with the initiation of drilling for the reinjection well on March 10, 2023.

Dominica: Drilling for reinjection in geothermal power plant starts
Dominica: Drilling for reinjection in geothermal power plant starts Image credit: Twitter

Dominica: The Commonwealth of Dominica has made significant strides in the development of geothermal energy with the initiation of drilling for the reinjection well on March 10, 2023.

With the successful completion of the production well in the previous year, the commencement of this critical component marks a new stage in the country’s pursuit of sustainable and renewable energy. The reinjection well, which is necessary for the operation of any geothermal power plant, will be drilled to a depth of up to 1500m and will take approximately 28 days to complete.

The government of Dominica’s commitment to this endeavour highlights the nation’s dedication to the transition to clean energy and the potential benefits it could bring to the country and its people.

The village of Laudat in the Roseau Valley constituency is currently the site of a geothermal initiative that is being executed by the Dominica Geothermal Development Company, a corporation that is wholly owned by the Government of Dominica.

Prime Minister Dr Roosevelt Skerrit provided an update on the geothermal project in Dominica via his official Twitter account. The project has seen significant progress, with the signing of a contract with the Iceland Drilling Company to drill two new wells in mid-2022 and construction work underway for the well pads and access roads.

The government has also called for Expressions of Interest to supply, design, and install a transmission network from the planned geothermal substation at Roseau Valley. These developments demonstrate the government’s commitment to the transition to clean energy and its potential benefits to the nation.

Previously, it was stated that in the Commonwealth of Dominica, at least one production well had been finalized. This well serves as the source of steam that will be utilized to drive a turbine and generate electricity.

According to government officials, the initial well yielded promising outcomes in terms of pressure, temperature, and permeability – all of which aligned with Dominica’s objectives. It was also noted that the characteristics of this well were similar to those of the existing wells in the country. As a result, the construction of an additional well could result in the generation of another 10 megawatts of power.

In addition, the Dominica Geothermal Development Company is currently carrying out an evaluation of the environmental and social impacts related to the electricity transmission network between Laudat and Sugar Loaf.