Effects of colonialism are still being felt to this day: Rattray

As per the Chef de Cabinet Courtenay Rattray that the effects of colonialism are “still being felt to this day”, and they stated it during the special Committee on Decolonization on February 18 Friday.

Speaking on behalf of Secretary-General ‘Antonia Guterres’ he reminded the people who took part in the challenges which were faced by the so-called non-Self-Governing Territories, which remain around the world.


The Global cooperation has centrally highlighted the effects he underscored, encouraging the Committee, which is also called C-24, in a bid to commit to making 2022 a year of recovery for everyone.

They also made a special committee that is a unique platform whose motive is to promote the execution of the “Declaration on Decolonization” in accordance with all relevant solutions, said UN Official.

In 2021, the C-24 made every step for the regions and others to engage and be heard.

He also drew attention towards the new working methods in which they allow the Committee to hear first from the regions before assuming the solutions related to this.

The C-24 remains committed to fulfilling its proclamation, confirmed Mr Rattray.

He expressed transparent and productive dialogue as an “important” factor in opening to further opportunities that could see progress towards full decolonization.


Directed by the UN Charter and some appropriate solutions, “the Secretariat will be going to continue the support to the Special Committee in its work in order to promote decolonization, said by the Chief de Cabinet.

“This session honours the start of the Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, and December 2020 marked the 60th anniversary of the Decolonization Declaration.”

The Committee continues their efforts to execute the Declaration and its further specified to strengthen their informal dialogues with “administering powers” – the countries which continue to hold or claim sovereignty over territories – and other stakeholders, according to the UN political chief.

In the end, Mr ‘DiCarlo’ highlighted that expediting the decolonization process is “imperative” and urged everyone to engage in new dynamics to address the challenges ahead.