Farewell parade for major General Buhali at Tek Base, Pretoria

South Africa: Major General Tshepo Stanley Buhali bid the office of the Inspector General farewell at a Change of Office parade held at the Tek Base, Logistics Division in Pretoria, on Thursday, 26th January 2023.

Farewell parade for major General Buhali at Tek Base, Pretoria
Farewell parade for major General Buhali at Tek Base, Pretoria Image credit: SA Defence Facebook Page

South Africa: Major General Tshepo Stanley Buhali bid the office of the Inspector General farewell at a Change of Office parade held at the Tek Base, Logistics Division in Pretoria, on Thursday, 26th January 2023.

After serving as the Inspector General in 2017, Major General Buhali made way for the newly appointed Major General Willbrod Musa Mazibuko.

During his address, Major General Buhali shared how exciting and challenging his 29 years long career was, and he highlighted that the incoming Major General Mazibuko is a very capable officer who will take the Inspectorate Division to greater heights.

Major General Buhali outlined how the office of the Inspector General plays an important role in the department by conducting audits and inspections, and this is done without any fear or favour. The office further identifies risks and advises the management.

Some of the achievements of the division during Major General Buhali’s term are assisting the Chief of Logistics and Works Formation in identifying the amount of money that the department was losing in paying municipal accounts through the National Department of Public Works.

They also exposed the unethical behaviour of suppliers and did forensic investigations on cases of irregular expenditure as identified by the Auditor General of South Africa.

Some members mentioned that Major General Buhali had the capabilities to be an Inspector General, and has supported him all the way, Chief SA National Defence Force, General Rudzani Maphwanya, former Chief SA National Defence Force, General Shoke, retired Lieutenant General Masondo, retired Lieutenant General Yahm and retired Major General’s Mangethe and Ledwaba were acknowledged and thanked in a special way by Major General Buhali.

In not so many words, the Incoming Inspector General, Major General Mazibuko, thanked the Chief SA National Defence Force for entrusting him with this position. He thanked and praised his predecessor for the time and effort that he exerted into his work during his term of office and continued to say that he believes in action than talking, and that is how he will be operating in his new role.

On behalf of the Chief of the SA National Defence Force, Vice Admiral Asiel Elias Kubu, the Chief of Human Resources, read out his speech. He then wished Major General Buhali good luck in his future endeavours and welcomed Major General Mazibuko, and stated that they are looking forward to working with him going forward.