Fire accident injures five in Kabuthu Village, property lost

A house accident in the Kabuthu Village has caused injury to five victims who lived in the house belonging to Necksan Matekenya.

Fire accident injures five in Kabuthu Village, property lost, Image: facebook
Fire accident injures five in Kabuthu Village, property lost, Image: facebook

Malawi: A house accident in the Kabuthu Village has caused injury to five victims who lived in the house belonging to Necksan Matekenya. The five victims who were injured during the accident were members of the Matakenya family.

The official reports suggest that the fire started due to an accidental patrol spill. The accident resulted in the fire spreading at a quick pace. Further, the house of the family was thoroughly destroyed during the fire accident.

The Police force has started an investigation into the matter and underscored a reason for the fire outbreak in the house.  Public Relations Officer for Likoma Police, Enala Kalua also reached out to the media to confirm the incident.

The fire broke out in the Kabuthu Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Mkumpha in Likoma District on Saturday. Further she also confirmed that the accident caused significant loss of property and valuables.

According to the police reports, household properties worth millions of Kwacha got destroyed in the inferno. The fire broke out around approximately 18:00 hours, according to the head of the household, Necksan Matekenya.

The victim reached out to the police to share the details of the accident. According to him, his sons were siphoning petrol from a large container into small bottles.

They were getting ready to go to the lake for fishing. At this point, one of the bottles full of patrol fell down leading to an outbreak of fire from a charcoal stove.

After the fire started, the family reached out to the police for assistance. The members of the community and the police force reached the house in response to the report.

On arrival, the team realized the extent of the damage, confirming that all property in the house worth millions of Kwachas had been destroyed. The Police force and members of the community teamed up to rescue the members of the family.

Later, they were rushed to St Mary’s Mission Hospital for preliminary treatment. One of the family members was referred to St Peters Hospital in the same district for further treatment.

Meanwhile, police in the district are appealing to members of the community to refrain from keeping flammable substances in houses to avoid similar incidents.