KFS & KDF in partnership for infrastructure development

Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have enjoyed a good working relationship for many years in the areas of forest conservation, training of forest security officers and in the security sector.

KFS & KDF in partnership for infrastructure development
KFS & KDF in partnership for infrastructure development Image Credit: Fcaebook

Kenya: Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have enjoyed a good working relationship for many years in the areas of forest conservation, training of forest security officers and the security sector.

This collaboration has helped to improve service delivery to the public and to improve forest conservation efforts which through the provision of environmental services have helped to enhance the security of the country.

In our latest collaboration efforts, the Service is working together with the KDF to improve the infrastructure of Mukutani Forest Station which is one of the newly gazetted forest areas in Baringo County. The remote forest station is situated in an area where the government is implementing initiatives that will see the elimination of security incidences that have been rampant in the region.

KFS is also planning to build a training school for forest enforcement personnel in the station as well as develop infrastructure for use by KFS officers managing the forest.

The surrounding community will also benefit through the establishment of sustainable income-generating activities as enshrined in the Forest Conservation and Management Act.

“I was therefore glad to host officers from the KDF who included Major S. Mathenge, Major G. Roba and Major E. Obwar for a consultative meeting regarding the project. I was accompanied by the Ag. Senior Manager for Corporate Services Lucy Kiboi, the Ag. Commandant Wilson Leboo, the Chief Engineer Sebastian Idalia, Head of Project Development Julius Ekuwam and the Chairman of Mukutani CFA Geoffrey Leng’usuranga among other officers.”

Residents are happy with the development of Kenya and saying that the forest department is doing good. “Good work our friendly forces kenya Development Fund and the kenya Forest Servce fraternity for such noble initiative to be established in baringo, said the local user of kenya.