Firearm misfires during hijacking in Verulam – KZN

A suspect’s firearm misfired during a hijacking at the Ireland &; Todd Street intersection in the Verulam CBD – KZN on Wednesday afternoon.

Firearm misfires during hijacking in Verulam – KZN
Firearm misfires during hijacking in Verulam – KZN Image Credit: Facebook

KwaZulu Natal (Verulam CBD): A suspect’s firearm misfired during a hijacking at the Ireland & Todd Street intersection in the Verulam CBD – KZN on Wednesday afternoon.

The 60-year-old traumatised driver contacted the Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) after two (2) men sped off in his white Datsun Go with registration ND 852 755 in the evening at approximately 19:41.

Reaction Unit Officers were immediately dispatched and on arrival were advised that the driver and a work colleague were stationary at the intersection when two (2) armed suspects entered the vehicle.

One of the hijackers attempted to shoot the driver but his pistol misfired. The driver accelerated and collided with a vehicle in front of him. The car drove off without stopping. It is believed that the occupants were accomplices in the hijacking, but this could not be confirmed. The elderly male and the female were thereafter forced out of the car.

The Crime rate in KwaZulu Natal Is increasing at a high speed every day and residents seem worried as they feel that the situation is now out of their hands and they can’t able to survive.

However, the vehicle has been revered by the South Africa Police. One of the residents related this crime to a movie he said, Verulam is like a movie, every day there is a new scene like a movie

“Verulam is like a movie. Live movies the entire day everyday,” said one of the resident.

“Gosh…these crimes are getting out of hand… RUSA we really need u to put these thugs in their place….” said another resident.

Yesterday, on Wednesday RUSA hosted a Fundraising activity in the country. They raised funds with the intent to raise money & install Jojo tanks at the institution.

Principal Neesha Chetty invited the Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) Helicopter Crew to the school as a surprise to the 580 scholars & 30 educators at 11:30 (Wednesday) morning.