Lions Club of Woodlands brings christmas cheer to orphanage

Lusaka, Zambia: The Lions Club of Woodlands in Lusaka District has donated assorted items worth K18000 to the Mariann Shrine Orphanage Home of Joy. The donation drive took place on Sunday, December 24, 2023 on the eve of Christmas.

The donation was meant to be a Christmas gift for the children of the Lusaka based organization to bring smiles on the children’s faces.


Many members of the Lions Club of Woodlands were present at the donation drive to celebrate the festival with the children. The orphanage staff and authorities were excited to receive the members of the Lions Club.

Lions Club of Woodlands President, Joseph Chapeshamano says the donation comes with the combined support of other Lion Clubs. The clubs are based within the Lusaka and Chongwe districts. Additionally, the donation also included financial support from Consolidated Gold Mine.

As per the club president, Lion Chapeshamano, his club received financial assistance of over K6000 from Consolidated Gold Mine. The financial assistance from the organization was meant for the purchase of school pre-requisites for the children.

“We would like to appreciate the mining company that partnered with the Lions Club of Woodlands for this unwavering support and we believe and hope that they will continue collaborating with us for bigger events of this nature,” President Chapeshamano said.

In addition to the donation, the team also celebrated the spirit of the festival with the orphanage children and staff members.

The president also paid homage to various Lions Clubs within Lusaka Province that contributed immensely to the successful implementation and hosting of the Christmas event at Mariann Shrine Orphanage Home of Joy.


Meanwhile, Mariann Shrine Orphanage Home of Joy Director, Theresa Kulandai, thanked the Lions Club of Woodlands for this memorable that has put a smile on the children’s faces.

“The orphanage currently has 35 girls aged between 5 and 17 years who are currently under our care and this gesture of buying them school prerequisites and food stuffs will definitely go a long way in their lives,” Sister Kulandai said.