Lundazi District: 21 year old arrested for theft

The Police Force of Lundazi District have arrested a 21 year old man of the district for burglary and theft.

Lundazi District: 21 year old arrested for theft, Image: Facebook
Lundazi District: 21 year old arrested for theft, Image: Facebook

Zambia: The Police Force of Lundazi District have arrested a 21-year-old man of the district for burglary and theft. The suspect of the Eastern Province of Zambia has been convicted and sentenced.

The suspect has been identified as Amon Banda of William Compound in Lundazi district. He appeared in front of the Lundazi Resident Magistrate, Minato Muyambango, to defend himself.


The police force of the eastern province takes incidents of robbery, theft and associated criminal offences very seriously. They have been working hard to apprehend and discourage the would be criminals and offenders.

One of the most effective measures taken by the police force are strict punishments from the district courts. In the case of a 21-year-old, he is facing twelve months imprisonment with hard labour for the offence of burglary and theft.

Banda pleaded guilty to one count of burglary and theft, contrary to Section 301(A) and 272 Penal Code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia. The investigating officials have come forward with some details about the crime in question.

According to the police force, the incident happened on July 14, 2023. The convict broke into and entered the house of Mathews Nyirenda and stole 1 techno spark cellphone valued at K2,300. The officials confirmed that the suspect entered the house with intent to commit a felony.

The suspect asked for leniency when he was defending himself in front of the magistrate.

As per the officials present at the hearing, the accused told the court that he was looking after a family, and if sent to prison, his family would suffer.


And in passing judgement, Magistrate Muyambango took into consideration the fact that the accused was the first offender.

Magistrate Muyambango then convicted and sentenced him to twelve months imprisonment with hard labour with effect from August 8, 2024. The people are happy with the actions that were taken to serve justice for the criminal offence.