Lupososhi: Mentally unstable nephew allegedly murders uncle

A 48-year-old resident of Kalinga Ward in Sub-Chief Chibaye's Chiefdom in Lupososhi District has allegedly been murdered by his mentally unstable nephew on Wednesday night.

Zambia: Mentally unstable Nephew allegedly murders uncle
Zambia: Mentally unstable Nephew allegedly murders uncle Image Credit: Facebook

Zambia, Lupososhi: A 48-year-old resident of Kalinga Ward in Sub-Chief Chibaye’s Chiefdom in Lupososhi District has allegedly been murdered by his mentally unstable nephew on Wednesday night.

This incident came to light when another nephew filed a complaint to the nearest local police station. The Police identified the victim as Edward Sanshi Ngandwe, 48, who his own nephew, Castrol Mwewa, murdered.

As per the reports, the nephew was not a normal child and had been suffering from mental illness since childhood.

The eyewitness gave a statement to the Police in which he said the deceased was alleged to have been hit with a sharp instrument, which inflicted injury to the head.

The eyewitness also revealed that the incident allegedly happened on Wednesday at around 09:00 p.m.

As per the senior police officer’s statement, the body of the victim was recovered by his daughter on Thursday, and then the daughter told about the incident to the family.

His family reveals that the deceased person was a resident of Mansa District in Luapula Province and was in Lupososhi to do some work on his farm in the Makolongo area when he met his fate.

However, Lupososhi Police have not picked up the body of the deceased till now, and investigations are still ongoing. As per the doctor’s reports, Police are not allowed to ask anything of the child as he is not in that condition and cannot even force him for anything as it can lead him towards death.

The family of the victim are still in shock and not giving any statement right now, and moreover, it is also not allowing the Police to take the body to a forensic lab for further investigation.

The daughter said her mom has not spoken for the past two days. She said, “My mumma is in a deep dilemma, and we are worried for her right now. She locked our nephew in the room…she is not definitely in her senses.”

The neighbours are also in shock, and some of them also share their own experiences. One of the local residents said, “Police is useless when complaints are made about mentally unstable people. Some mentally unstable person threw a stone at my mother, and it hit her head. She lost a lot of blood. When the issue was reported, the Police said they would fine the parents for being negligent. That was not the first of such cases, yet he roams free. They should amend the laws on mentally unstable people.”