Malawi Red Cross Society supports families affected by hunger

Malawi Red Cross Society (MRC) is supporting the families which are struggling with the hunger crisis in the country.

Malawi Red Cross Society supports families affected by hunger crisis, Image: facebook
Malawi Red Cross Society supports families affected by hunger crisis, Image: facebook

Malawi: Malawi Red Cross Society (MRC) is supporting the families which are struggling with the hunger crisis in the country. They have extended their support in the form of multipurpose cash transfers in various districts.

Several families in Malawi are struggling with food shortages due to below average agriculture season brought along by widespread droughts. The team of Malawi Red Cross Society is dedicated to supporting the vulnerable population of the country through various initiatives.


The financial and technical support for the cash transfers was provided by partners including

  • International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
  • Swiss Red Cross and
  • Danish Red Cross

They are supporting families that have been affected by the hunger crisis throughout the nation. The government of Malawi has declared a state of disaster in over 20 districts of the country in March,

According to the sources, to 2 million farming households translating to 4.4 million Malawians have been affected by the El Nino-induced dry spells and are dire need of food.

Mzimba district has benefitted from the support of the Malawi Red Cross Society. According to the officials, close to 240 Million Kwacha were disbursed to 7,500 hunger-stricken people in Traditional Authority Mabilabo.

This is a support from the Saudi Red Crescent Authority through the IFRC Africa hunger Crisis Emergency Appel. 83-Year-old Stelia Mwale from Zumutu Village is one of the beneficiaries came forward to tell her story.

She said “I am so grateful to Malawi Red Cross for the support.  All those people who were sharing food from their fields can no longer afford to help me, because they have not harvested more, due to weather conditions. This money is a great relief.”


The authorities have taken the responsibility of disbursing 50,000 Kwacha per month for the next three months to each household. Further the Hunger Crisis Support will also see 500 households benefitting from Farm inputs to help them in winter cropping.

53-year-old Mainess Mithi from David Jere Village has applauded the leadership of the Malawi Red Cross Society for this initiative.

“I am a widow, and I have a big role to feed my family members and provide for other basic needs, so Red Cross has come in at the right time with this cash support then later the inputs, which will help us recover as we wait for the next rain fed farming season, we will still have some food on our table from the other crops we will be growing.

Malawi Red Cross Emergency Operations Coordinator, Louis Tobby Solomon has also thanked IFRC for this support in Mzimba. He claimed that it would go a long way in improving livelihood in communities affected by the hunger crisis.